Key Statistics



Years in Operation




Tons of CO2 Offset/Year


Liters of Fuel Saved/Year



We are pioneers of renewable energy projects across Asia and became the first foreign developer to successfully close a solar project deal in Japan under non-recourse project financing in October 2013. The Mega Solar Power Plant is located in Osakikamijima Island, Hiroshima, which is arguably one of Japan’s most beautiful islands and only a 20-minute ferry ride away from the city. The plant successfully achieved commercial operations in January 2015.

The solar plant was driven by Impact Electron Siam’s vision for connectivity, transparency and responsible development. Its main objective was to improve the quality of life for the island’s 8,000 inhabitants through the use of renewable energy. The plant’s energy output delivers ample power for the islanders’ needs and is equally profitable for investors and stakeholders. During the construction, IES provided steady employment for 200 local members of the community and continued to do so after the plant achieved commercial operations. As part of our commitment to enhance the already beautiful island, we provided fertile ground for the islanders to cultivate a fruit orchard as well as established a learning center.

Today, the solar power plant allows the community to enjoy the plethora of benefits from the sun and will continue to do so for decades to come.




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